Periodically, you need to reboot your spirit. But how? In a recent vacation I experienced five keys to renewal that I want to replicate in my future outings.
Archive for relationships
Three Reasons You Can’t Afford That High-Maintenance Client
How to Spot the Relationships that Will Only Drag You Down
I don’t mean to sound unkind, but there are just some people you are not called to serve. You can spend all your time caught up in the drama of their demands and accusations, or you can move on. The sooner you cut the cord, the more productive—and happy—you’ll be.
3 Simple Rules for a Marriage You Love
What Leaders Need to Know About Their Most Important Relationship
As a leader, the health of your marriage directly impacts your effectiveness. Nothing will undermine it faster than a bad marriage. And few things will advance it like a good one. But it’s not easy. All marriages are works in progress. I’ve been married to Gail for thirty-eight years, and we’re still working on ours.
7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Likability Quotient
How to Avoid Spraying Talent Repellant on Everyone You Meet
Ever wonder why some people are likable and others aren’t? Without a high likability quotient, it’s tough to succeed in almost any area of life—especially as a leader or entrepreneur. If you want to win with people, they not only have to know you; they also have to trust you. Likability is the bridge between […]
How to Build (or Rebuild) Trust
4 Steps to Win with Customers, Employees, Even Your Spouse
Trust is to an organization what oil is to a car engine. It keeps the moving parts from seizing and stopping forward motion. But trust is not something you can take for granted. It takes months—sometimes years—to build. Unfortunately, you can lose it overnight.
Are Your Friends and Coworkers Killing Your Energy?
3 Ways to Get a Boost from Your Relationships Instead
There’s only so much time in a day—just twenty-four hours last I checked. And there’s no optional upgrade or booster pack available. Time is fixed. But your energy has flex. Our energy expands or contracts through the day based on variables like rest, nutrition, and exercise. But another critical variable—and one we often forget—are the […]