Leadership is more than influence. It certainly includes influence, but it is more. I believe it includes at least five characteristics. I call these the five marks of authentic leadership.
Archive for influence
Your Power as a Leader
The 4 Realities of Your Impact on Others
As leaders, we possess more power than we think. But we can only use it for good if we understand it and embrace it.
Why Keeping Commitments is Critical to Your Influence
3 Reasons Integrity Is Key to Your Success
When we think of someone with integrity, we think of someone we can count on to come through on what they promise. Unfortunately, that’s not always a safe bet today. Over the last several years I’ve noticed a change in the way we use the word integrity. Having integrity requires staying true to your word—even […]
What It Takes to Become a Person of Influence
4 Simple Behaviors Any Leader Can Adopt
I was recently talking to a neighbor about an ordinance being considered by our city council. She didn’t like it and felt strongly that it shouldn’t pass. She went on to make the case to me, raising several valid points I had not considered before. I reminded her that the city was holding a public […]
Reach Is Not the Same as Influence
How to Build Trust and Make an Impact Online
One way you can reach a larger audience quickly is to piggyback on established email lists from bloggers and businesses with similar interests. “Third party email marketing, whether for Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) is a great way of finding new customers and can be an awesome resource for new, fresh […]
Where Are You in Building Online Influence?
Take My Free 5-Minute Platform Assessment and Find Out
Most people recognize the value of an online platform. When you have one, you can reach more people with your message, products, or hard-won expertise. You multiply both your influence and your income. Everybody wins. The problem is that building an online following can feel daunting. I talk to people all the time who want […]