You spend your days managing details, scheduling meetings, and replying to emails — by the time you start on the “real work,” the workday is half over. This ends up cutting into your personal life as you try to make up for lost time. It all leads to you feeling more tired, more stressed, and […]
Why a Thriving Culture Is Essential
Anywhere you find a group of people, you’ll find a culture. That’s true for families, churches, cities, neighborhoods, and anything else you can think of that includes more than one person. This idea is especially true for businesses. Leaders need to have a vision for how they want their culture to look and feel. If […]
What Makes Good Coaching Great
There is no denying that you will get further, faster with a good coach. But what about a great coach? How much further could you get with amazing coaching? Today’s episode tackles that question by talking with LeeAnn Moody, Director of Performance Coaching for Full Focus. LeeAnn and Michael break down the four characteristics of […]
One Simple Hack for Taking a Perfect Vacation
Vacations are essential for active rejuvenation. But for a lot of us, vacations aren’t all that restful—and coming back from vacation is a nightmare. We don’t start off with a great plan. And then, because we don’t tie up loose ends before we go, we end up working during our vacations. So we never clear […]
Bonus: Michael’s EA Spills the Beans!
Listen: As a leader with enough on your plate, you simply need an executive assistant. If you already have an EA, it’s important that you’re leveraging as much value as you can out of this vital role within your company. In case we haven’t convinced you of the importance of a world-class EA, then this […]
3 Communication Fails to Avoid
You have a vision for your business, your team, and your day-to-day workflow. But the more people who are added to the mix, the more likely misunderstandings will happen. No matter how hard you try, things still get lost in translation. It costs time, money, and momentum. Maybe we’re not as good at communicating as […]