I’m always surprised by what I learn at the movies. I go to be entertained. But many times I walk out of the theater with insights I can put to work in my life. Over the weekend Gail and I saw the new Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway comedy, The Intern. It was great.
Archive for influence
How to Live a Life That Matters: 5 Lessons from Maya Angelou
The desire to create lasting transformation in the world is what really drives us as leaders, right? Since the news of her death, I’ve been thinking a lot about Maya Angelou. Her legacy offers several valuable insights for living a life of true significance. The odds were against Angelou in her early years. Her parents […]
A Tale of Two Coaches: What Kind Are You?
There’s more to coaching than sharing your expertise. The way you communicate that expertise is as important as the knowledge itself. Years ago I went golfing with my friend and colleague, Dr. Victor Oliver. I had played quite a bit as a teenager, but had set aside my clubs when I became an adult. At […]
I Am Not a Leader (or So I Thought)
Think you’re not a leader? Think again. According to guest poster Tammy Helfrich, everyone is a leader, including you. Here are five ways to embrace it.
How Are People Left When You Leave Their Presence?
As leaders, we have an impact on others—whether we realize it or not. But that impact is a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. It is either positive or negative. It is rarely neutral.
Why Vision Matters Now
When times are tough, vision is the first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing we must recover.