General McClellan had significant character flaws that I believe serve as a warning signs to anyone in leadership. Ultimately, these cost him dearly: He lost Lincoln’s confidence, his job, and a run for the White House (against Lincoln). Worse, they prolonged the Civil War and cost the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the conflict.
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What You Learn on the Way to Success
A 3-Point Check-Up to Get the Most out of the Middle
There comes a point in every story when you are ready to quit. It could be a relationship, a project, or your job. Regardless, you’ve had enough, and you are ready to “throw in the towel.”
Using Keyboard Shortcuts to Boost Your Productivity
4 Ways to Kick the Mouse Habit and Save Time
I am not a big fan of computer mice. Every time I have to take my hand off the keyboard, it costs me a few seconds. This may not sound like much, but it adds up over the course of a day. Instead, I like to keep my hands on the keyboard. With a little memory work and the right tools, you can boost your productivity and run circles around your mouse-dependent colleagues.
Three Reasons You Can’t Afford That High-Maintenance Client
How to Spot the Relationships that Will Only Drag You Down
I don’t mean to sound unkind, but there are just some people you are not called to serve. You can spend all your time caught up in the drama of their demands and accusations, or you can move on. The sooner you cut the cord, the more productive—and happy—you’ll be.
How to Be a More Energetic Leader
5 Things You Can Do Today to Regain Stamina and Enthusiasm
On a recent Catalyst Podcast , Andy Stanley said, “The best thing a leader can bring to his team is his energy” (quoting Bill Hybels). … The good news is that you can be a more energetic leader by becoming more aware and intentional about developing it.
What Happens When You Confuse Friends, Critics, and Trolls
3 Key Differences and What They Mean to Your Business
If you are a leader, you are going to attract critics. It is inevitable. In fact, if you are’t attracting critics, you should be wondering why. Criticism is normal.