You schedule time for large meetings, small meetings, conference calls, and phone appointments. If you are like many leaders, you often feel that your life consists of nothing BUT meetings. As a result, there is no time to complete the work you volunteer for, agree to, or are assigned in those same meetings.
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Two Postures Toward Change
Change is difficult for most organizations. It is made even more difficult when leaders resist it. It is my observation that leaders have either one of two postures when it comes to change. This makes all the difference in terms of the outcome. Let me explain.
How Do Busy Leaders Find Time for Social Media?
t is an important question. Why? Because increasingly CEOs, pastors, and other leaders are being asked by their staff, constituents, and even boards about their “social media involvement.” Most leaders I have spoken with, still don’t see the value or, if they do, know how to work it into their workflow. They already feel overwhelmed with their current responsibilities; they aren’t looking for one more thing to do.
Five Characteristics of Weak Leaders
General McClellan had significant character flaws that I believe serve as a warning signs to anyone in leadership. Ultimately, these cost him dearly: He lost Lincoln’s confidence, his job, and a run for the White House (against Lincoln). Worse, they prolonged the Civil War and cost the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the conflict.
Four Things Your People Need in Tough Times
This recession has been a tough ride for most organizations. Many leaders I have met with in the last few months have grown weary of trying to keep things moving forward with fewer resources. They keep thinking things will improve, but “flat” seems to be the new “up.” In times like these, it is tempting for all of us to stay in our offices and become introspective. But we absolutely cannot do that. Our people need us now—more than ever.
How to Get Approval from Your Boss When You Need It
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. If you can’t get your boss’s approval when you need it, you are not going to go very far in your career.