Face it. You will eventually quit your job. It may be this year. It may be next. It may be ten years from now. But it’s inevitable. It’s only a matter of time. The only real question is how to do it in a way that doesn’t burn your bridges.
Archive for employee
What Top Talent Really Wants in a Job
It May Not Be What You Think
In the face of new volatility in the financial world and a tightening labor market, how can you find and keep the talent you need without simply throwing more and more money at the problem? If that’s the question you are asking, you’re on the right track. Here’s why: I know many leaders who’ve tried […]
How to Fire a Monster Client: The Steps
4 Ways to Let Go and Move on to Greener Pastures
When I wrote recently about firing monster clients who eat up disproportionate time and resources, one reader replied, “Great idea. Do you have a guide for how exactly we should do that?” It was a good question. A guide like that would have been useful to me earlier in my career. I have had to […]
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 3
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 2
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.
How to Get Your Boss to Say “Yes,” Part 1
The ability to sell an idea or project to your boss is critical to your success. In this three-part series I share six steps for doing it more effectively.