Our words carry enormous weight. More than we sometimes think. They often impact people for decades, providing the courage to press on or the reason to give up.
Archive for Affirmation
Why You Should Speak Well of Your Spouse
5 Reasons to Get in the Affirmation Business Today
As a leader, the health of your marriage directly affects the impact of your leadership. I have witnessed this time and time again. Being effective at work or in ministry begins by being effective at home. Here’s why.
Four Things Your People Need in Tough Times
This recession has been a tough ride for most organizations. Many leaders I have met with in the last few months have grown weary of trying to keep things moving forward with fewer resources. They keep thinking things will improve, but “flat” seems to be the new “up.” In times like these, it is tempting for all of us to stay in our offices and become introspective. But we absolutely cannot do that. Our people need us now—more than ever.