I am not the first person to make this observation, but it is worth repeating. Too often, I meet young leaders are frustrated because they can’t control every aspect of the process. If only the sales department reported to me, I could improve my results.“
Archive for influence
7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Likability Quotient
How to Avoid Spraying Talent Repellant on Everyone You Meet
Ever wonder why some people are likable and others aren’t? Without a high likability quotient, it’s tough to succeed in almost any area of life—especially as a leader or entrepreneur. If you want to win with people, they not only have to know you; they also have to trust you. Likability is the bridge between […]
5 Strategies for Becoming a Better Conversationalist
What Leaders Can Learn from a Good Game of Ping Pong
Good conversationalists have great influence. In this post, I share five strategies I have learned for having better conversations.
Why I Changed My Email Newsletter Strategy
3 Reasons Behind My New Approach
I decided to change my email newsletter strategy last month. For years, I sent the entire blog post in the body of the email. We used a custom template that included many of the design elements from my blog. For a long time, that served us well. But we are no longer doing that. Instead, […]
7 Ways to Get Your Team to Take More Initiative
Try These Proven Methods to Spur Action and Get Results
Self-starters who take action and get things done are essential to any effective organization. But what are you supposed to do if your teammates don’t show initiative? I was recently talking with a friend. He was frustrated his employees didn’t take enough initiative. The lack was really affecting his business. The problem was he blamed […]
How to Become Your Spouse’s Best Friend
3 Straightforward Steps to a Relationship that Lasts
Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage. Your marriage is a living example of what it is like to be in a close relationship with you.