With divorce rates hovering between 40 and 50 percent, experts spend countless hours discussing the reasons why so many Americans can’t make their marriages work. Arguments over money, sex, and kids are perennial fire starters. But there’s another issue that is critically important—especially for husbands and wives with demanding careers. Courtney Barbee credits the success […]
Archive for love
3 Simple Rules for a Marriage You Love
What Leaders Need to Know About Their Most Important Relationship
As a leader, the health of your marriage directly impacts your effectiveness. Nothing will undermine it faster than a bad marriage. And few things will advance it like a good one. But it’s not easy. All marriages are works in progress. I’ve been married to Gail for thirty-eight years, and we’re still working on ours.
How to Build (or Rebuild) Trust
4 Steps to Win with Customers, Employees, Even Your Spouse
Trust is to an organization what oil is to a car engine. It keeps the moving parts from seizing and stopping forward motion. But trust is not something you can take for granted. It takes months—sometimes years—to build. Unfortunately, you can lose it overnight.
What Do You Love Most About Your Spouse?
Today is Valentine’s Day. At the Hyatt household it is the third most important holiday of the year, right after Easter and Christmas. When our five daughters were at home, Gail always made a big deal out of it. We ate breakfast on special valentine plates, and exchanged candy and cards.