Life is hard. It’s easy to lose heart. That’s why it is essential that we cultivate the disciplines of the heart, so we have the resources to face life’s challenges.
Archive for relationships
What I Learned from Donald Miller about Being Brave
3 Powerful Truths from His New Book ‘Scary Close’
Donald Miller’s newest book, Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy, is out and off to a great start. I can see why. It’s his best book so far. I’ve known Don for over a decade. He was one of our bestselling authors at Thomas Nelson, during the time I was publisher, president, […]
What I Learned About Leadership from a Fight with My Wife
What does marriage have to do with leadership? Everything. If you can’t learn to manage conflict with those closest to you, how can you manage it with those who have less of a stake in the outcome?
The Incarnational Principle of Leadership
The incarnation is the Christian teaching that God became man. This teaching is beginning to have an enormous impact on my practice of leadership.