Exercise used to be the last thing on my mind. Now it’s a regular part of my life, and I can’t imagine missing the benefits—especially as an entrepreneur. Most adults don’t get the regular exercise they need, according to the CDC. As a high-achiever, I totally get it. Carving out time to run or strength […]
Archive for exercise
Why Exercising Now Matters for Your Future
3 Powerful Reasons to Drop the Excuses and Hit the Treadmill Today
I sometimes talk with people who say they don’t have enough time to exercise. The older I get the more that reminds me of people who say they don’t have enough money to save for retirement. I can relate. When I was younger and rising in my career, I rarely made time to exercise. I […]
3 Surprising Ways to Defuse Your Stress Bomb
If there is one thing that defines our work experience today, it’s stress. It can be exhausting or exciting—often both. But if we’re not proactive, it can really ding our health. For several years I mentored a small group of young professionals. We met once a month and discussed our jobs, families, and personal lives. […]
How to Stay Focused for a Major Project
Every business has projects from time to time that demand our total focus and attention. The good news is that there are certain tactics we can use to keep our edge even when we’re under the gun. The most important thing is to recognize up front that we have to prepare. If you were going […]
7 Sure-Fire Ways to Reduce Stress and Restore Your Sanity
The Wall Street Journal recently ran a story on the trend in slow reading. The idea is that intentional time in a book can improve our minds and reduce our stress. If you’re a book person like me, this is no surprise. It doesn’t matter if it’s paper or digital, just taking thirty minutes out […]
Slay Your Dragons Before Breakfast
3 Disciplines for Achieving Daily Victory
I face a dragon named Lethargy every morning. It has three heads: spiritual, physical, and intellectual. If I don’t slay this dragon before breakfast, he usually gets the best of me.