I can’t imagine living in a more distracting time in human history. But to get real work done, we need to focus. Here are ten tactics I use to increase my focus and power through my task list.
Archive for preparation
How to Stay Focused for a Major Project
Every business has projects from time to time that demand our total focus and attention. The good news is that there are certain tactics we can use to keep our edge even when we’re under the gun. The most important thing is to recognize up front that we have to prepare. If you were going […]
How to Be Better Prepared for Your Next Major Presentation
The key to delivering an effective presentation is in the preparation. However, this takes more than preparing the speech. There are at least seven levels of preparation.
Notes from My Speech Coach
My friend Ken Davis is a world-class professional speaker and speech coach. Recently, he gave me some very specific suggestions I could use to improve a speech he had heard me give. Here are my notes.
The 10 Psychological Stages of Public Speaking
I go through about ten psychological states when I speak publicly. It has been helpful to me to identify these, so I am not surprised when they occur.