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Archive for Work Life Balance
One Framework to Diagnose Any Problem at Work
As a business leader, there’s really only one thing that is certain: you will face problems. What isn’t certain is how well you’ll do at identifying the problems and then correcting them.
The Intentional Path to Work-Life Balance
High achievers have a bad habit of working too much and all of that extra time comes with a very real cost and, unfortunately, sometimes we don’t notice that cost until it’s too late.
The Secret to Achieving More: A Good Night’s Sleep
Caught between the demands of life and work, sleep is often one of the first things to get cut. It’s even become a sort of value-signaling to prioritize work over sleep. But what if sleep is the very thing you need to actually accomplish more? The National Sleep Foundation recommends that healthy adults get between […]
You Don’t Have to Choose: Win at Work and Succeed in Life
Have you ever found yourself facing an impossible choice? Either win at work—at the expense of your health and relationships—or succeed at life, sacrificing your career goals. For years, I thought there was no other option. I spent almost all of my time at work. Late nights, weekends, all in an effort to achieve more […]
You Can Achieve Work-Life Balance This Year
Do you feel caught in the grind? Unable to make time for your family, your health, or hobbies you used to enjoy? Are you caught in the culture of overwork but don’t know how to get out? Work-life balance is not a myth. But it also won’t happen without intentionality and practice. I know. I […]