The current presidential election has put millions of Americans in a panic. I get it. No matter who you’re voting for, there’s a lot of troubling news. And that’s just the election. Throw economic and international instability into the mix, and sometimes it can feel like we’re being swept along in a powerful current, headed […]
Archive for Life Planning
Do You Practice the 5 Habits of a Balanced Life?
Have you ever found yourself in a hyper-productive period? You’re making progress on your goals, checking boxes on your list. It’s like music to your ears. But to everyone else in your life, it’s more like noise. When I first started in publishing I was determined to succeed. I would get to the office at […]
7 Best Practices for Life Planners
I created my first life plan more than ten years ago. Since that time I have gotten better at it. In this post, I share seven “best practices.” I shared these recently at the Building Champions Experience.
Six Ways to Take a Micro-Sabbatical
My pastor recently took a three-month sabbatical. I imagined him sleeping in until ten every morning, followed by extensive periods of crossword puzzles and personal grooming. But he assured me that his time off was really more professional in nature: he studied up on the Emergent Church and did a biblical tour of Turkey. Am I jealous? No, of course not. Resentful is probably a better word.
Seven Questions to Ask About Last Year
Here are some of mine: Running the half marathon in April, even though I almost didn’t at the last minute Cutting our company’s expenses to maintain the health of the business Having eight of the top ten books on the November Christian bestsellers list Getting my oldest daughter married and seeing their relationship grow What do you feel you should have been acknowledged for but weren’t? … Here are some of mine: Laying off so many of our employees, including some very dear friends Failing to articulate the vision and be a better source of encouragement to my team Not really unplugging from my vacation in October like I had planned Losing focus on my exercise regimen and having to keep re-starting it What was missing from last year as you look back?
Priority Management and Life Balance
Most people believe that somehow, if they can just find the right system, they can get everything done. I think this is a myth bordering on an outright lie. You can’t do it all. Time is a limited resource. In my experience, the key to work/life balance begins by getting crystal clear on your priorities.