Many high achievers believe journaling is valuable for personal reflection and growth, but few actually open a journal on a daily basis. Perhaps you’ve thought about journaling, but then promptly gotten lost in the flurry of other tasks. Or perhaps you’ve attempted to start doing it more regularly, but then lost momentum. I’ve been there. […]
Archive for Personal Reflection
Seven Questions to Ask About Last Year
Here are some of mine: Running the half marathon in April, even though I almost didn’t at the last minute Cutting our company’s expenses to maintain the health of the business Having eight of the top ten books on the November Christian bestsellers list Getting my oldest daughter married and seeing their relationship grow What do you feel you should have been acknowledged for but weren’t? … Here are some of mine: Laying off so many of our employees, including some very dear friends Failing to articulate the vision and be a better source of encouragement to my team Not really unplugging from my vacation in October like I had planned Losing focus on my exercise regimen and having to keep re-starting it What was missing from last year as you look back?