I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts when the host confessed he hadn’t taken a vacation in over a year. Admitting that he was on the edge of burnout, he said, “This has to change.” I immediately thought, Why hasn’t it changed before now? How do you let yourself get into this kind […]
Archive for overworked
No, You Don’t Have to Work 24/7 to Succeed
What the Amazon Story Says About Our Always-on Business Culture
I love Amazon, but like many I was disturbed by what I read in the New York Times’ recent exposé. Still, I was actually more disturbed by what came next. I read defenses of Amazon from entrepreneurs, leaders, tech writers, and others. Some were easy to agree with. It’s a free country, after all. People […]
Do You Practice the 5 Habits of a Balanced Life?
Have you ever found yourself in a hyper-productive period? You’re making progress on your goals, checking boxes on your list. It’s like music to your ears. But to everyone else in your life, it’s more like noise. When I first started in publishing I was determined to succeed. I would get to the office at […]
Are You Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with work? I was, too. Last week, I finally decided to take these seven steps to take back control.