On a recent Catalyst Podcast , Andy Stanley said, “The best thing a leader can bring to his team is his energy” (quoting Bill Hybels). … The good news is that you can be a more energetic leader by becoming more aware and intentional about developing it.
Archive for energy
3 Non-Physical Benefits to Running
How to Stay Motivated and Reach Your Fitness Goals in the New Year
We all know the physical benefits to running. However, people who don’t run, often miss the non-physical ones. Here are three.
10 Practical Ways to Boost Your Energy Level
How to Feel Better and Be More Effective
I would describe myself as a high-energy person. But I haven’t always been that way, and it’s certainly no accident. I am very deliberate about managing my energy level.
Are Your Friends and Coworkers Killing Your Energy?
3 Ways to Get a Boost from Your Relationships Instead
There’s only so much time in a day—just twenty-four hours last I checked. And there’s no optional upgrade or booster pack available. Time is fixed. But your energy has flex. Our energy expands or contracts through the day based on variables like rest, nutrition, and exercise. But another critical variable—and one we often forget—are the […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Nap Every Day
Maximize a Midday Snooze and Start Winning Like the Best Nappers Do
I am a habitual nap-taker. I take one almost every day and have for years. I used to feel a little guilty about it—like I was slacking off or something. Then Sam Moore, my predecessor at Thomas Nelson, admitted to me he too was a napper. “Every day after lunch, I lie down on the […]
Don’t Hire People Unless the Batteries Are Included
5 Signs a Potential Employee Will Drain Your Team of Precious Energy, Creativity, and Joy
Some gadgets come with batteries and some don’t. If I told you it’s the same with people, what kind would you like to work with: those with or without batteries? I picked up this metaphor from an episode of Dan Sullivan’s 10XTalk Podcast. Dan said he basically divides everyone into one of two categories: Those […]