This is going to sound crazy. After all, I run an online content business. But the best reading app for comprehension, emotional engagement, and more is … paper. Whether we go back to the ancient Egyptians or the Chinese, there’s nothing new about paper. What is new is the understanding that reading on paper is […]
Archive for ebooks
In Defense of Books
Despite what many pundits are saying today, reading is not dead. Nor are books. Certainly, big changes are underway, especially in the way books are delivered to readers. But reading itself is not dead. It is not going away. At least, not any time soon.
My Dream iPad Book Application
I was blown away by the iPad demo video. The hardware and the operating system are impressive. However, when I watched Steve Jobs’ full presentation and demo, I felt that the iBooks application, while beautiful, was missing some key features.
What Is the Internet Doing to Our Brains?
In the current issue of Atlantic Monthly (July/August 2008), Nicholas Carr asks, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” He then goes on to describe what the Internet is doing to our brains. This is a must-read for anyone in the book publishing industry.
Why Traditional Books Will Eventually Die
The book, as we know it today, will eventually die. It won’t happen all at once. And it won’t happen immediately. But, in my opinion, it is inevitable. Why? One word: inefficiency.