Like water, work can be life-giving. But it can also flow all over and flood our other life domains. We need boundaries to contain it. When we allow it to travel unrestricted, we’re not accomplishing more. We’re actually bringing something less than our best to both the office and home. We’re scattered and depleted instead […]
Archive for creativity
Why You Need White Space
Many of us struggle to disconnect from our work. Even if we manage it, it’s uncomfortable. Because of our always-on culture, we may even feel guilty putting a hard stop on our work day and letting emails go unanswered until the following day. As much as we try, hitting the pause button is hard. The […]
The Science Behind Why You Need a Hobby
Our bodies weren’t designed to be in a constant state of stress. To put it simply, you can’t work all the time and not feel the negative effects. The solution? Create a rhythm of rest and work. High achievers find this hard to believe. When you are driven by the need to achieve, it can […]
The Key to Performing at Your Best
Your energy and your attitude drive your success. In order to accomplish your demanding goals year after year, you have to protect your health and relationships. In doing so, you free up your mind to do your most productive and creative work. There are activities that you do that create a more enriching life outside […]
7 Ways Successful Creatives Think Differently than Unsuccessful Ones
It Takes More Than Talent
I have worked with authors for more than three decades. Based on my observations, here are 7 characteristics that separate the highly successful ones from the others.
4 Steps to Foster Creativity
How to Bring Out the Best in Your Team
Creativity is not some remote and solitary island. Each day, from the studios of legendary visual effects outfit Industrial Light & Magic to the conference rooms of ad agencies to the mission control rooms of NASA, teams of people come together to conceptualize, develop, and realize innovations in everything from movies to public policy. Yet […]