Many of us have succumbed to the curse of busyness. A few of us have started a quiet rebellion. Will you join us?
Archive for Productivity
Why You Should Understand Your Weaknesses
Early in my career, I thought I had to be good at everything. Not true. You can’t be good at everything. In fact, you can only be great at a few things. The sooner you realize this, the more quickly you can focus on your strengths and steer clear of your weaknesses.
Avoiding the Tyranny of the Urgent
Several months ago, I spoke to a large group of military officers and contractors. My topic was “How to Shave Ten Hours Off Your Work Week.” In my speech, I provided seven tools for achieving greater productivity and restoring work-life balance.
Five Strategies for Building New Habits
I have a confession to make. Until about eight years ago, I didn’t floss. In fact, I hadn’t been to the dentist in a decade. My last experience had been so negative, that I just kept finding excuses to procrastinate.
Sleep and Your Productivity
Of all the things that affect my energy and productivity, nothing is more important than getting a good night’s sleep. Exercise, diet, and mental focus are all important, but they can’t make up for a lack of rest. Here’s how I make sure I get a good night’s sleep.
Scheduling Time in the “Alone Zone”
You schedule time for large meetings, small meetings, conference calls, and phone appointments. If you are like many leaders, you often feel that your life consists of nothing BUT meetings. As a result, there is no time to complete the work you volunteer for, agree to, or are assigned in those same meetings.