As a leader, you are your company’s single greatest asset. While you’re guarding your health against the coronavirus, you must also deal with the stress and responsibility of running a business. It’s tough! This crisis threatens the mental and emotional resiliency of you and your team. Given the stress we’re under, is it even possible […]
Archive for Entrepreneurship
Why Vision Matters in Crisis
As a leader, you’ve thought a lot about where to take your business in the next year. But major disruptions—like the coronavirus crisis—can upend your vision. It’s a disorienting time, and it’s tempting to just hunker down and try to survive. Is it even possible to have a vision for the future right now?
Why You Should Still Be Charging for Your Products
You’ve probably noticed the trend in the last week of businesses offering products or services for free to help out during the COVID-19 crisis. I applaud the impulse, but there’s a fatal flaw in the logic—the economy depends on people creating value and other people recognizing that value and willingly paying for it.
One Superpower Successful Entrepreneurs Have in Common
3 Practices to Cultivate Your Empathy Advantage
It’s no secret that entrepreneurship is a difficult path, with many pitfalls along the way. According to Merriam-Webster, the very definition of an entrepreneur is someone who “assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” There’s no magic solution that’s going to remove that risk or guarantee your business will succeed. When you set out […]
How to Get Your Big Idea off the Ground
2 Ways Entrepreneurs Fail and a New Book That Can Help You Succeed
If there’s one thing most entrepreneurs don’t lack, it’s ideas. I dream up new products and businesses every week. You’re probably the same way. The problem is lots of ideas aren’t worth pursuing, are they? One major facepalm for me was when we launched the Best Year Ever Leaders Edition last year. Best Year Ever […]
How to Maximize a Windfall
4 Ways to Profit from the Happy Accidents of Life
Sometimes the best things that happen to us come totally out of the blue. We don’t plan them, seek them, or try to make them happen. They just show up. So how do we make the most of these happy accidents? One of my team members was telling me about a biography of the essayist […]