It’s popular to say the customer is always right. It’s also not true. Whether you run a business, nonprofit, or ministry, your team comes first. Get the right team, and you’re off to the races. Hire the wrong team, and you’ll likely move slowly—maybe even backwards. So what’s the trick for getting the best people […]
Archive for team
Why Sometimes You Need to Fire Your Customers
What It’s Costing You to Serve Everyone as if There’s No Limit
If you’ve ever worked in retail—and even if you haven’t—you’ve probably heard the phrase, “the customer is always right.” But just because you’ve heard it doesn’t make it true. My daughter Megan enjoys the BBC show, Mr. Selfridge, about pioneering retailer Jeremy Selfridge. Supposedly, he was one of the people to popularize the phrase that […]
No, You Don’t Need to be Great at Everything—and Why You Shouldn’t Even Try
One Belief Holding You Back in Business and Life
If you’re an entrepreneur at heart like me, it’s tempting to wear every hat in the business. This is especially true if you’re cursed with being halfway good at all those jobs. That’s not a compliment, by the way. I should emphasize the word cursed. Think of it this way: Would you intentionally hire someone […]
Why Everything Is Awesome When You’re Leading a Team
If you’re trying to build a business, a platform, or just a better mousetrap, it’s a lot easier to hit your goals if you have a team behind you. When I left Thomas Nelson to start speaking and writing full time, I was mostly on my own. I had a speaking agent to help coordinate […]
Why Wait for Permission? Just Go!
Are you waiting for someone to give you permission to lead, grow, or move in your organization? What if you already have all the permission you need? I was recently invited to sit on a board and observed something there I’ve seen countless times in other settings. Some people around the table had no trouble […]
How Penguin Leadership Will Change Your Team Culture
This is a guest post by Sean Glaze, a team speaker and motivator. You can check out his blog, and follow him on Twitter. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. What do penguins have to do with leadership and changing your toxic team culture? More than you […]