You know it’s time to declare email bankruptcy when you are experiencing the following four symptoms. If this is true of you, I provide a seven-step strategy for wiping the digital slate clean and starting over.
Archive for responsiveness
10 Strategies for Getting a Faster Response to Your Email
Not everyone thinks it is important to respond quickly to email. How do you get them to respond to you in a timely manner? Here are ten strategies.
4 Ways Supervisors Frustrate Their Employees—Are You Guilty?
Most people’s frustration at work is inflicted by their supervisors. Here are four specific ways they do so. Are you guilty?
Leadership Question #1: Who Has Impacted Your Leadership the Most?
“Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life?” Here’s my answer.
Creating a Sense of Urgency
The companies that thrive in today’s economy will be those that can shift their cultures from the slower pace of business-as-usual to urgency. Because of this, I have made “Urgency” our annual theme for Thomas Nelson. I want this attribute to permeate every aspect of our culture. I know we have a long way to go.