Success has many determining factors, including dumb luck. But I’ve been thinking of one lately that’s largely indispensable and totally learnable—persistence. Have you ever felt like bailing on that one thing you know you’re supposed to do?
Archive for Patience
The Case for Slow Miracles
Just because miracles don’t happen instantaneously doesn’t mean they aren’t miracles. God does work in an instant. But this is the exception. Usually, He works over a long period of time.
The Number One Way Leaders Get Derailed
Recently, I wrote about how leaders must learn to handle criticism and overlook offenses. I think this is the number one way that leaders can get derailed and rendered ineffective.
Four Strategies for Responding to Poor Customer Service
Perhaps you’ve noticed: customer service has deteriorated noticeably since the recession began. Fewer waiters in restaurants. Slower room service in hotels. Longer wait times for support. This is hardly surprising. With significant layoffs in almost every industry, fewer people are available to provide the level of service you have come to expect. Here are four strategies for responding to poor customer service.