Many words in the English language are difficult. In fact, there’s even a Dictionary of Difficult Words. But none are more difficult than these: “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Will you please forgive me?”
Archive for Anger
Why Leaders Cannot Afford to Be Easily Offended
3 Vital Truths to Remember as You Work to Make a Difference in the World
As a leader, you are going to draw fire. People will criticize you. But the greatest leaders are not easily offended. Instead, they remember these three simple truths.
Before You Send That Angry E-mail
I have fired off my share of angry letters and e-mail. Honestly, I cannot think of a single time when these communiques had a positive effect. Here are six steps you can take when you are tempted.
5 Truths to Remember When Your Leader Falls
When a leader falls, it impacts everyone. It is easy to be angry or become cynical. In this guest post, Lisa Whittle reminds us to remember five truths.
My Keynote Speech on Dealing with Offenses
The way we deal with offenses will determine the course of our spiritual journey. Here is my premise: “If you are going to survive—and fulfill your God-given calling—you must learn to handle criticism and overlook offenses.” In this speech I provide four truths about offenses.
The Number One Way Leaders Get Derailed
Recently, I wrote about how leaders must learn to handle criticism and overlook offenses. I think this is the number one way that leaders can get derailed and rendered ineffective.