Comedians refer to an audience that hasn’t heard any jokes yet as a “cold room.” It is thus the job of the comics who go first or second in the night to warm them up. You tell some jokes, suggest a convivial mood for the crowd, and hope they’ve brought their funny bones. I have […]
Archive for leading teams
4 Reasons Your Leadership Suffers When You Cheat Sleep
Here’s What Your Late Nights are Really Costing You
If you’re an entrepreneur, corporate boss, or ministry leader, chances are good you’re not getting enough sleep. In fact, I’d bet money on it. The national average is short of seven hours a night. And that number, already below the recommended eight, is probably overstated. Why do I think that?
What You Can’t Afford to Miss When You Make a New Hire
3 Criteria to Ensure You Get the Best Fit for Your Team
It’s popular to say the customer is always right. It’s also not true. Whether you run a business, nonprofit, or ministry, your team comes first. Get the right team, and you’re off to the races. Hire the wrong team, and you’ll likely move slowly—maybe even backwards. So what’s the trick for getting the best people […]
How to Use the Gratitude Advantage at Work
6 Tactics for Powering Your Success by Expressing Thanks
Lona Collins is 107 years old. When a reporter asked what she does to stay young, she said gratitude. “Don’t go crabbin’,” she advised. Most of us know about the gratitude advantage. Research shows that expressing thanks leads to lower stress, better relationships, improved health, and more. But there’s one place we’re unlikely to express […]
Why Most Meetings Still Suck
As long as you have to have meetings, you might as well do them well. Before you plan another meeting (and suffer the rest of us to sit through them), make a commitment to do the following: