These days everyone knows that you need a platform to get published. But if you’re like a lot of people I meet, you’re overwhelmed, short on time, and not sure where to begin. It feels impossible. But what if I told you it’s easier than you think? Part of our problem is that we blow […]
Archive for engagement
5 Steps to Building a Platform When You Hate Selling Yourself
You know you need to build a platform, but the thought of self-promotion makes your toenails curl. If so, you’re not alone. In this guest post by Robin Sullivan, she shares 5 steps for getting started in social media.
Leadership 2.0
Our interaction with the Web and the expectations it creates have shaped what we expect from our leaders. Therefore, if leaders are going to be effective with the current generation of Internet-savvy followers, they must adapt their leadership style. I call this Leadership 2.0.