I have heard the blogging experts talk about all kinds of things, from blogging platforms to SEO. But I rarely hear them talk about the one thing that is essential: content. All of these other items are interesting, but none of them will help you if you don’t write great—or at least, pretty good—blog posts.
Archive for Influence
Beware of the Self-Proclaimed Social Media Experts
You wouldn’t want to attempt to climb Mount Everest, get half way up the mountain, and then discover that this is your guide’s first climb. Neither do you want to follow the advice of someone who is (as they say in Texas) “all hat and no cattle.” Reading a few books and articles on social media is not the same as building a successful social media platform.
How Can You Get Published If You Don’t Have a Platform?
I received an email yesterday from a young lady who wanted to write a book. She complained that neither publishers nor agents would give her a chance. According to her, their main objection was that she didn’t have a platform. “How can I get a platform,” she wrote, “if no one will publish me?”
Inside My Blogging Toolbox
Knowing that I had recently upgraded my blog, one of my readers wrote to ask, “You wrote a post a year ago or so, providing an overview of your then-current blogging tools. Has anything changed in the last year? What tools are you using now?” Rather than replying to him individually, I thought I would post my answer here.
Book Marketing 101: What Works and What Doesn’t
This is the beginning of a series of posts I am calling, “Book Marketing 101: What Works and What Doesn’t.” I have wanted to write this series for a long time. There are so many opinions when it comes to marketing books. I certainly don’t have the last word on this topic, but I do have some experience.
7 Ways to Build Your Author Brand Online
From my point of view, there are seven things that are important in building an online brand, particularly if you are an author.