I once had a boss who rarely shared information and never in a timely way. My office happened to be in a different building than his, so getting to our weekly one-on-one meeting took a little effort. But not only did he cancel most of our meetings, he did so without notice. When we did […]
Archive for team communication
5 Steps for Healthy Confrontation
One of your most lucrative clients has admitted to unethical behavior and is entirely unwilling to change. Do you keep the account and tie your name to their misdealing? Or do you terminate the relationship and lose over a million dollars in sunk cost? Your top salesman is accused of inappropriate behavior toward team members […]
Need Help? Here’s How to Ask for It
5 Tips for Rallying People to a Task
Leaders never have all the help they need. But most of us have an aversion to asking for it. It can feel awkward to ask for help But it doesn’t have to be! We’ve got 5 simple tips that will enable you to get more help—for free. Use them in your business, and you’ll never […]
Why I Broke Up with Slack—And Went Back
The 3 Changes that Made It Work for Me and My Team Again
My team and I have been using Slack as our primary communication platform since June 2014. As we grew, email became unmanageable and other solutions like Basecamp weren’t a fit. After a full-immersion trial, we were sold! But then we unsold ourselves. It took three years. But, just as email didn’t scale with our growth, […]
What the Success of Slack Can Teach Us about Creating Winning Products
I love watching people succeed, especially if I can learn something I can apply in my own life and share with you. That’s why I’m excited about what I learned from watching Slack’s success this year. Slack is a communications tool that enables natural and effective team collaboration. The company, started by Stewart Butterfield, the […]
How I Cut My Email Load by 83% in Less Than a Week
Lousy communications is one of the biggest challenges any team faces. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost files, even whole conversation threads, in email. And no one likes triaging an inbox, even with a good system. So what if we had a better solution? We do, thanks to a team of online […]