I get asked a lot, “How do you find time to do it all? If I participate in every social media channel, I don’t have time to do anything else!” Exactly. The reality is that I don’t do it all. You can’t be everywhere in social media—and you won’t be effective trying. But the good […]
Archive for social media
6 Powerful Apps for Managing Social Media with a Team
Equip Your Team to Increase Your Impact and Simplify Your Life
Social media remains one of the most efficient ways for leaders to get heard and make a difference. What’s not efficient for most is the management of their social media presence. Many leaders try overcoming this problem by bringing outside resources to bear. They might involve existing teammates, hire new employees, or contract with someone […]
It’s Not all Bad News: The Upside of Social Media
4 Reasons Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Are Making the World a Better Place
It’s popular to complain about social media and talk about how it is destroying our culture, but what if the exact opposite is true? I joined Twitter on April 6, 2008. A friend urged me to check it out. He was already using it and loved it. So after some initial eye-rolling, I tried it […]