Ask leaders about the most efficient way to be inefficient, and I bet most will say “bad meetings.” But the hard truth is that meetings are not only inevitable, they’re also essential. Why? If our teams are going to achieve major goals, we need to be able to plan, coordinate, and tackle problems together. The […]
Archive for Meetings
4 Ways Supervisors Frustrate Their Employees—Are You Guilty?
Most people’s frustration at work is inflicted by their supervisors. Here are four specific ways they do so. Are you guilty?
Where Are You the Most Productive?
According to author Jason Fried, work rarely happens at work. Instead, it typically happens outside the office. How can we take advantage of this fact?
Why Most Meetings Still Suck
As long as you have to have meetings, you might as well do them well. Before you plan another meeting (and suffer the rest of us to sit through them), make a commitment to do the following:
Finding More “Head Time”
Most of us don’t spend enough time thinking. We are so busy doing that we have, I fear, almost forgotten how to think. Yet it is our thinking, more than any other single activity, that influences our outcomes.
Ten Annoying Meeting Behaviors
I spend more hours in meetings than out. Perhaps you do, too. Over the years, I have cataloged a list of annoying meeting behaviors or just “AMBs” for short. None of these by themselves are that bothersome. But when you combine three or four of them in the same meeting, it can test the patience of Job.