Many leaders struggle with getting clarity on their vision. With the chaos and clamor of everyday life and business, the bar is often set at just trying to stay afloat. Casting a vision for what you actually want can seem like a far-off luxury. But it comes at a cost. From wasted resources to burnout […]
Archive for Leadership
5 Tips for Starting a Journaling Habit
Many high achievers believe journaling is valuable for personal reflection and growth, but few actually open a journal on a daily basis. Perhaps you’ve thought about journaling, but then promptly gotten lost in the flurry of other tasks. Or perhaps you’ve attempted to start doing it more regularly, but then lost momentum. I’ve been there. […]
How to Tell You Need an Executive Assistant
Have you ever felt like, no matter how many things you check off your to-do list, you just can’t keep up? Maybe you’re proficient in some specific areas of your business but aren’t the greatest in others, so they take up more time. The challenge is, even the areas you aren’t proficient in still have […]
3 Tips for Creating a Vision Script
We all have dreams and goals for our business. Sadly, leadership isn’t a gently sloping road. In between us and our goals, there can be countless mountains to climb. The only reliable way to the top is to start with a vision. It’s what enables you to make a way when none previously existed. But […]
4 Pitfalls of a Vision-Deficit Leader
Passion is a key component of a leader. Leaders generally don’t get to where they are without it. The same is true of drive, good ideas, and execution. Even confidence. But none of that is enough to replace vision. Passion and all the rest can fuel the mission, but vision is the North Star to […]
3 Benefits of Team Training
Whether you’re a business owner or work for a company, attracting top talent can be a real challenge. But once you find the right people, how do you proactively equip them to do their best work? And how do you retain them as time passes? This can be an even greater challenge. The best thing […]