About 150 million Americans make New Year’s resolutions every year. That’s a lot of disappointed people. A quarter of those people will abandon their resolutions in just a week. Fewer than half will still be on track by summer. Ultimately, only 8 percent will be successful. But don’t think about the percentages. Think about all […]
Archive for goals
5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck
Want to Achieve Your Dreams? Then Never Fall for These
Steve Mura was a Triple-A baseball pitcher. He was starting one night in an away game, but he almost lost before leaving the dugout. Why? “I can never win on this mound,” he told his pitching coach and shook his head. For Mura, the game was already over, and he hadn’t even thrown the first […]
The One Quality You Must Develop to Reach Your Goals
6 Proven Techniques to Gain the Persistence You Need
What does it take to accomplish your goals? Some people think it’s mostly about luck, smarts, good looks, and social connections. Nope. Researcher Angela Lee Duckworth studied West Point cadets, National Spelling Bee contestants, teachers in tough schools, and sales peoples, asking who would succeed and why. “In all those very different contexts one characteristic […]
Why Now’s the Time to Stop Drifting and Design Your Best Year Ever
Watch My Free New Video Series and Discover 3 Powerful Questions That Can Change Your Life Starting Today
We all dream of great things for our lives, don’t we? A fulfilling marriage, happy kids, a meaningful and profitable career. We all know people who have achieved those things, so we know it’s possible. And the truth is most of us have already experienced more success than we realize. But wherever we are, most […]
How to Jumpstart a Stuck Project
The Hack I Use to Gain Traction and Get Moving
Have you ever been stuck on an important project? You have a big idea, you know it’ll be great for your business or personal life, but you can’t get moving? Yeah, happens to me all the time, too. So what do you do when your doing gets stuck? There are probably a million ways to […]
What the Science of Goal Setting Tells Us about Accomplishing More of What Really Matters
I’m a big advocate of goal setting because I’ve personally benefited from it. But I’m also amazed how much the science of goal setting explains my personal experience. Whether working as an independent entrepreneur or a corporate executive, I’ve seen personal and organizational goal setting reap big rewards—and the research shows why.