I’ve been an advocate of goal-setting for decades. Most successful people I know are. They set big goals and recommend others do as well. But some people are more doubtful. They point to significant goal-related disasters and suggest goals can backfire. In 2002, for instance, General Motors determined to boost its share of the U.S. […]
Archive for goals
The 2 Most Powerful Words for Reaching Your Goals
One Simple, Proven Trick that Will Set You up to Win in 2017
Tell me this hasn’t happened to you: At the end of the year, you brainstorm several goals. You start the New Year full of determination and enthusiasm. But after several weeks, you get distracted and lose ground. Months later you realize you’ve made no real progress. You either feel lousy and quit, or feel lousy […]
Why Gratitude Makes All the Difference in Hitting Your Goals
3 Reasons to Stay Thankful All Year
When I asked successful business and thought leaders how they prepared to reach their goals in the upcoming year, several said gratitude gave them an edge. Some mentioned setting aside special time to reflect and express gratitude for all the positive they experienced. This close to Thanksgiving, that seems perfect this time of year. But […]
How to Become a Big Thinker
7 Steps Anyone Can Follow to Develop This Critical Skill
Many people fail because they are afraid to dream. Their thinking is too small. In this post I provide seven steps for becoming a big thinker.
How to Nail Your Goals with This Simple Secret
4 Keys to Accomplish the Goals You Keep Missing
Most of us start pursuing our goals with great focus and intensity, but roadblocks inevitably surface before we’re far down the road. We might be tempted to quit, or simply redouble our efforts in an effort to scale the obstacle, but the secret may be tossing our strategy out the window and trying an alternate […]
Why Not Architect Your Own Life?
Design the Life You Want by Aligning Your Vision, Priorities, and Actions
We usually take our workplaces for granted, don’t we? But skyscrapers are colossal achievements. Architects must design them with variables like winds, earthquakes, communication, traffic, and the surrounding environment in mind. It’s impossible to imagine building one without architectural plans. But here’s the thing: The lives of everyone working inside those towers are infinitely more […]