People get “trained” to come late because they know nothing significant will happen until well after the announced start time…. For example, “the purpose of our meeting is to report on the results of our latest market research and give you a chance to ask questions.” Or, “the purpose of our meeting is to evaluate prospective titles for Don Miller’s new book and determine which one we are going to recommend to the author.”
Archive for Effectiveness
Hobbies of Highly Effective People
How Five Different CEOs Get the Rest and Relaxation They Need
Let’s play a word-association game: Toss out the first several words or phrases that come to mind when you hear the name “Bill Gates.” Don’t overthink it. Just say them out loud or write them down. Ready? From an informal survey I conducted, some of the terms you might have come up with include: a) […]
The Problem with Whack-a-Mole Productivity
The Real Purpose of Workplace Efficiency Isn't What You Think It Is
When I started my career, I quickly discovered that I had more to do than I could get done in a forty-hour workweek. So, I worked more hours. I got to the office at 5:00 a.m. and usually didn’t leave until 6:00 p.m. I often worked on Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings, too. It wasn’t […]
Five Consequences of a Life Out of Balance
And How My Free E-book Can Help
If you are working more than fifty-five hours a week, you are working too much. Here is what you are putting to risk.
10 Proven Practices for More Productive Leadership
The best way to produce consistent outcomes is to employ proven patterns and practices that make them repeatable. In this guest post, J.D. Meier outlines 10 of them.