I am not the first person to make this observation, but it is worth repeating. Too often, I meet young leaders are frustrated because they can’t control every aspect of the process. If only the sales department reported to me, I could improve my results.“
Archive for change
How to Win Big in a Constantly Changing Marketplace
8 Ways to Stay Relevant, Expand Your Skills, and Thrive
In her book The Future and Its Enemies, Virginia Postrel classifies people as either stasists or dynamists. Stasists resist change and try to tightly manage it. Dynamists, on the other hand, embrace change. They see the future as wide open and teeming with possibility. Which of the two are you? I ask because nothing is […]
How to Become a Morning Person
(Even If You Don’t Think You Can)
We’ve all heard the benefits of becoming a morning person. But how do you become one? In this post I provide a nine steps you can take starting today.
How to Nail Your Goals with This Simple Secret
4 Keys to Accomplish the Goals You Keep Missing
Most of us start pursuing our goals with great focus and intensity, but roadblocks inevitably surface before we’re far down the road. We might be tempted to quit, or simply redouble our efforts in an effort to scale the obstacle, but the secret may be tossing our strategy out the window and trying an alternate […]
Change Your Story, Change Your Life
If you are working hard to change your behavior and not seeing much progress, maybe it is because you are the victim of a bad story—one you can change. Here’s how.
The Power of Incremental Change Over Time
I have always been fascinated by the power of incremental change over time. In this post, I provide a personal challenge and seven examples.