There are a fixed number of hours in the day. If you don’t intentionally plan out how you are going to spend them, they will inevitably be filled by the needs of others. After years of allowing my time to be almost completely filled by work, I realized I needed margin. Now I use my […]
Archive for Productivity
Free Yourself from Overwork
Have you ever found that no matter how many hours you put in, it never seems to be enough? For most of us, as we feel stress or pressure at work, we put in more hours. This Hustle Fallacy is a widespread belief in our culture—if we just work harder, put in more hours, and […]
The Trick to Creating More Time
As we move into December many of us find ourselves busier than ever. The goals that we had set for our work for the year are approaching the finish line. Not only are we working to ensure that the goals for 2020 are met, but we are also beginning to work on developing our goals […]
The Secret to Creating Lasting Habits
For many of us, 2020 has upended our established routines or habits. As we get ready to move into the busy holiday season, it can be even harder to get back on track. Consider what habits you’re missing in your daily schedule. I want to challenge the idea that in order to create a new […]
How to Lead with Gentleness, Not Fear
“Who’s got something scary?” asked my friend’s producer. The if it bleeds, it leads mentality hung over the newsroom. The scarier the headline, the more views it would receive. It’s no secret that people respond to fear, and unfortunately, many leaders take this approach with their employees. But fear breeds complicity, not commitment. Instead of […]
Make Progress on Goals in Only 5 Minutes
When I first started speaking and writing, I traveled to more than 60 events in a single year. It exhausted me. Friends in the industry told me this type of travel was essential, but I believed I could find a better way to grow my business. I chose to ignore the naysayers. I made a […]