Most leaders are good at pushing their organization forward. They’re able to hit their goals, and they might even be decent at profit. But, unfortunately, many leaders don’t prioritize their people. If a leader doesn’t know what to do with their people, morale will be low, people will leave, and the business will suffer. The […]
Archive for team engagement
How to Create a Company People Are Begging to Join
To build a winning company, you need a winning team. A-players can skyrocket your success, but nothing will tank momentum faster than adding B or C-level players to the mix. We’ve learned that the hard way! But there’s a great way to make recruiting easier, and we’ll tell you about it on today’s episode.
4 Ways to Boost Your Team Engagement
It All Comes Down to the Right Kind of Connection
Recently, I was talking to the leader of a nonprofit organization who was complaining that volunteerism was at an all time low. “Even when people volunteer, most of them don’t show up or follow through,” he said. “They just don’t seem to be engaged.” This is a common problem in the for-profit world as well. […]