Becoming a better public speaker is important for almost every career. Whether you are in middle management, a corporate executive, a pastor, or an author, DCW can make you a better, more polished communicator.
Archive for public speaking
How to Improve Your Public Speaking by Practicing Out Loud
The single most important action you can take to become a more effective public speaker? Before you give a speech, practice it out loud, on your feet, as though you were in front of a live audience.
Notes from My Speech Coach
My friend Ken Davis is a world-class professional speaker and speech coach. Recently, he gave me some very specific suggestions I could use to improve a speech he had heard me give. Here are my notes.
The 10 Psychological Stages of Public Speaking
I go through about ten psychological states when I speak publicly. It has been helpful to me to identify these, so I am not surprised when they occur.