If you’ve recently made the switch to remote work, you’re not alone. At least a quarter of U.S. employees worked from home at least part of the time before the Covid-19 crisis. An estimated 16 million U.S. knowledge workers started working remotely due to Covid-19 as of March 2020. That number has likely continued to […]
Archive for leader
How Successful Leaders Overcome Resistance
You’re well on the way to achieving your vision, but something unexpected happens. Maybe a cost overrun or a production delay. Vendors are confused. Customers aren’t happy. Employees start complaining as the problems pile up.
How to Choose a Business Coach
I recently had lunch with a young entrepreneur. His business had grown quickly, and, as a result, he was facing challenges he’d never encountered before. He said, “I think I need a business coach—someone who can help me navigate the road ahead. Can you recommend someone?” I get asked this question a lot. Running a […]
How a Business Coach Can Help You Now
The global pandemic has upended a lot of business plans. You’ve probably thought about getting some coaching to lead more effectively, but is it the right time to make that decision? Frankly, it doesn’t seem right that you can’t get help in dealing with the crisis—because of the crisis!
5 Reasons You Need a Business Coach
In early 2002, I was the general manager of Nelson Books, one of Thomas Nelson Publishers’ fourteen divisions. In eighteen months, we had gone from number fourteen—dead last—to number one in terms of revenue growth and profit margin. I felt great. I was proud of myself and my team for the results we’d achieved. That […]
4 Essential Documents for Leading Your Business
As a leader, you know vision is important. But what on earth is it? There are many conflicting voices on the subject. It’s enough to make you forget the whole thing and just focus on operations. Why is this so hard?