We all miss big goals occasionally. When that happens, it can be lonely and embarrassing. It’s tempting to simply forget about the failure and move on. When that happens, we miss a key learning opportunity. In order to achieve in the future, we must become excellent students of our own failure. Michael and Megan reveal […]
Archive for life goals
How to Help Your Team Find Their Why
4 Questions to Supercharge Your Team’s Commitment
As leaders, we know that real growth happens only when people go beyond simply putting in time and bring their best energy to work. The problem is that team members sometimes see their job as nothing but a paycheck. In this episode, we’ll show you how to get the best effort from your people by […]
Just Say No to Goal Shaming
How to Silence Your Inner Critic Once and For All
Many leaders have bigger goals than they admit to. Criticism, fear, and naysaying give them a sense of “goal shame” and keep them playing small. Today, we’ll help you silence your inner critic once and for all so you can bust through your upper limit and finally accomplish the big achievement you’ve been dreaming of.
Stop Being Your Own Worst Critic
The Benefits of Going Positive
Does this one ring a bell? You, reader, are your own worst critic. Your penchant for nitpicking every detail and harshly critiquing your accomplishments makes it difficult for you to make progress or sometimes even get simple work done. If it doesn’t apply to you or someone close to you, then you have a great […]
Don’t Let Others Make You Small
How High-Achievers Deal With Goal Shaming
Big goals are often the seed for big success. Monica Louie knows this firsthand. The Facebook ad expert launched a new company and set an audacious goal of earning $100,000 her first year in business—despite having made only $8,000 the previous year with another venture. It was such a big goal, in fact, that a […]