The Full Focus Planner has sold more than a million copies to all sorts of people: teachers, designers, accountants, executives, sales professionals… the list goes on and on. We love that so many people are finding the planner so useful in their lives!
Archive for growth
One Framework to Diagnose Any Problem at Work
As a business leader, there’s really only one thing that is certain: you will face problems. What isn’t certain is how well you’ll do at identifying the problems and then correcting them.
The Intentional Path to Work-Life Balance
High achievers have a bad habit of working too much and all of that extra time comes with a very real cost and, unfortunately, sometimes we don’t notice that cost until it’s too late.
2 Actions to Avoid When Creating Compelling Goals
We all have dreams for a better future—from improving our health to taking up new hobbies, saving up for a big purchase, or traveling to new destinations. To turn those dreams into realities, we set goals. Unfortunately, most people struggle to set goals. There are several reasons for this, but high on that list is a […]
How to Find the Balance You Need for the Life You Want
It’s easy to feel like we’re constantly going from one thing to the next. From our tasks at work, to our responsibilities and commitments at home. There are seemingly endless demands on our time and attention. We can only keep up the juggling act for so long. Soon, some areas of our lives will begin […]
3 Truths for When Your Goals Feel Uncomfortable
Having big goals is the only way big things happen. And the only way to achieve big goals is to become tolerant of the discomfort that comes with them. Of course, this isn’t our natural tendency. We’d rather play it safe and avoid failure. That’s perfectly understandable. It’s what’s comfortable. But inevitably we start to […]