When we’re living with purpose, we experience greater meaning. But how can we discover our purpose? It’s a flawed question. Because purpose isn’t discovered. It’s cultivated. That means you have the power to take actions that lead to a more meaningful life.
Archive for goals
Achieve More Than You Thought Possible in 2021
As we get ready to wrap up 2020, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on this past year—the challenges, the unforeseen changes to your normal routine, and the clarity that has come from being forced to reevaluate what is most important. It’s safe to say that this year threw us all quite […]
Get Free of Goal Shame and Achieve Your Impossible Dream
“Someday I’m going to climb Everest.” In the early 1940s, professional beekeeper Edmund Hillary shared his seemingly insurmountable goal with the world. At this point, no climber had successfully reached the Everest peak. The mountain’s difficulty level echoed loudly through 30 frozen bodies lying on its route. Louder still was the public criticism for Hillary’s […]
5 Steps to Developing More Discipline
How to Remove the Obstacles to Your Success
Everyone knows you can’t succeed without discipline, yet few possess it. Here are 5 steps to developing more of it.
Tired of Making No Progress on Goals? Try This
Leaders are driven to achieve. The problem is that our intense drive can backfire. We sometimes set unrealistic goals or timetables, which are impossible to meet. Not that we don’t kill ourselves trying! When that happens, it’s easy to feel exhausted and discouraged. Why does everybody else seem to make rapid progress? Is there a […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing
Writing your goals down is one of the most important actions you can take to obtain the life you want. Sadly, most people don’t do it. Here are five why reasons you should.