Batching is a form of time management that allows a person to maximize concentration and decrease distraction. In this guest post, Joshua Leatherman explains how it can boost your productivity and decrease your stress.
Archive for Guest Post
Why I Hope to Die Empty
A South African friend asked, “Do you know what the most valuable land in the world is? It’s the graveyard, because with all of those people are buried unfulfilled dreams, unwritten novels, masterpieces not created, businesses not started, relationships not reconciled. THAT is the most valuable land in the world.”
6 Ways Leaders Can Build Trust
One of the most important parts of being an effective leader is building trust. In this guest post, Dr. Jeremy Statton provides 6 ways leaders can do this with their teams.
Avoiding One Great Temptation Every New Dream Faces
One of the great temptations for us as leaders and dreamers is to compare the start of our new adventures to the middle of someone else’s. Don’t do it. Here’s why.
Don’t Shoot the Messenger!
We’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” We have sayings like this because delivering bad news is a difficult job. Here’s how to make it easier.
Five Strategies That Make It Easier to Say “No”
Many leaders I know struggle with over-commitment. Here are five ways to say “no” with consistency and grace.