All leaders are vulnerable to mistakes. In fact, you may be in the middle of a mistake right now—and you might not even realize it. But how are you supposed to know what those are? And what can you do to avoid them?
About Michael and Megan
5 Tools for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent
We’re in an unusual time where hiring is really difficult. Recruitment is extremely competitive, and candidates have a lot of options. But once you find the right people, how do you make them want to stay? Hiring and retention are equally and critically important, and neither have ever been more challenging than in this current […]
3 Mistakes Leaders Make When Delegating
It’s easy to think no one can do the work that needs to get done better than you. Sometimes it can also feel like passing work off actually creates even more work for you. But the truth is, there is likely someone who can do the job just as well, if not better, than you.
Michael Hyatt & Company Has a New Name!
As your company grows, it can be hard to streamline your product offerings and make what you do simpler to understand. But customers and clients need to be able to immediately understand who you are and what you offer. Otherwise, they’ll be left confused—and you may even risk losing potential customers.
Four Questions to Transform Your Leadership
As a leader, you don’t have to have all the answers. In fact, having answers is less important than asking good questions. Insightful questions can inspire thoughtful conversations that propel your team forward.
3 Reasons You Can’t Stop Working (And How to Fix It)
Some of us are immensely compelled to work. It seems that we just can’t stop. Most of us don’t see it as a problem. We live in a society that congratulates and celebrates those with a strong work ethic. But the truth is, this approach causes you to pay the price with your health and […]