As a leader, you know you should be developing a consistent reading habit, but you struggle to prioritize it. Here’s the good news—the problem isn’t what you’re reading, it’s how and why you’re reading.
About Michael and Megan
How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
In this episode, we discuss something that’s very important for leadership—public speaking. Many leaders—probably most—are terrified of doing it. Unfortunately, as a leader, you really can’t avoid it.
Michael and Megan Answer Your Questions
Leaders are expected to have all the answers. But sometimes they need to get insight from other leaders to stay on top of their game. In this episode, we reached out to our Instagram audience for their most pressing questions for Michael and Megan. They bring practical solutions to the problems many leaders face, based […]
How to Defuse Conflict Before It Begins
We don’t know anybody who loves interpersonal conflict. It’s uncomfortable, and it brings up a ton of negative emotions. Most of us try to avoid conflict whenever possible. Even as a leader, you may wonder, “Do I really have to have this hard conversation?”
4 Steps to Generate Clear Vision
As a leader, you know you need a vision for your business. And you want to generate that vision so you can communicate it to your team. There’s just one problem. You don’t know how!
4 Strategic Benefits of Having a Vision
As a leader, you know you’re responsible for the vision of your company. And you have one—sort of. It exists in the back of your head, but it’s really hard to get it down on paper. There never seems to be enough time to do it. And, when it comes right down to it, you’re […]