We know you love Lead to Win. We also know that life is busy, and you don’t always have time to listen to your favorite podcast. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a highlights reel so you could catch up on the big insights from this season?

About Michael and Megan
Focus on This Spotlight: Two Rituals to Start and End Your Days
As a high achiever, you have the ability to laser focus and put out huge productivity. But it can seem like your life has no boundaries. Good habits slip away and unproductive ones take their place.
How to Adjust to the New Normal
You’ve been biding your time until things get back to normal. But this year has brought us one crisis after another, and there seems to be no end in sight. It’s frustrating—and a little scary—to lead your business into an uncertain future.
The One Trait You Need to Lead Through Crisis
When you’re leading through a crisis, it can feel like you’re making it up as you go along. You’re reacting to a new set of circumstances almost every day, and you never have all the facts. Are people following you? Are they doubting your authority? It’s unnerving.
The Leadership Superpower of the Post-Pandemic World
As a leader, you’re used to being on top of your game. But this crisis has been more draining than any of us expected. As the weeks become months, you become more and more exhausted. Is this thing ever going to end?
4 Things I Wish I’d Known Before the Pandemic
You’re an experienced leader, but the current crisis has left us all a bit shaken. Some industries that seemed unassailable just weeks ago are gasping for air. What just happened? And what if it happens again?