The Full Focus Planner has sold more than a million copies to all sorts of people: teachers, designers, accountants, executives, sales professionals… the list goes on and on. We love that so many people are finding the planner so useful in their lives!
Archive for Lead to Win
One Framework to Diagnose Any Problem at Work
As a business leader, there’s really only one thing that is certain: you will face problems. What isn’t certain is how well you’ll do at identifying the problems and then correcting them.
The Intentional Path to Work-Life Balance
High achievers have a bad habit of working too much and all of that extra time comes with a very real cost and, unfortunately, sometimes we don’t notice that cost until it’s too late.
Get the Feedback You Need to Grow
As a business owner, you are always the ceiling on how successful your business can be. The only way your business can grow is for you to grow. But, there’s a problem: As your company grows and becomes more successful, you’ll be more insulated from candid feedback.
The State of Productivity in 2022
Full Focus recently surveyed more than 200 high achievers across 10 key productivity categories to find out how they’re getting things done. What we learned is that the pandemic accelerated a number of trends related to flexible work hours, remote work, and so much more.
3 Successful Innovation Insights Learned from the History of the Full Focus Planner
When the Full Focus Planner was developed, we had no idea that it would take off and become over half of our business. Five years and one million planners later, Michael Hyatt, Megan Hyatt Miller, and Chief Product Officer Joel Miller talk about the three valuable insights they learned that transformed their business.