Sometimes it feels like the cards are stacked against you. The unforeseen obstacles standing between you and your goal seem insurmountable. You don’t want to give up, but you don’t know how to move forward. Never has that felt truer for many than during the pandemic.

About Michael and Megan
I’ve made it! Now what?
You’ve earned the promotion and the respect of your peers. To the people around you, you’ve “made it.” But lately, you feel like you’re coasting, or maybe idling in place. And you have a nagging feeling that there must be something more out there.
The Trait That Destroys Any Team—And Its Antidote
There’s an unhealthy attitude forming on your team. Requests are consistently met with grumbling—even an occasional outright, “That’s not my job.” Where is this attitude coming from? And how do you counter it before it derails your team’s growth and success?
Why Your Future Self is Key to Goal Achievement
You started out the new year excited about your goals, but now you find yourself lagging. You’re tired and your motivation is waning. You’re starting to wonder, How do I keep going? The answer? Focus on your future self.
The Non-Negotiable Requirement for Growth
Leadership is an exercise in vulnerability. The idea that leaders enter every situation full of confidence and assurance isn’t just false. It’s harmful. In reality, every good leader has one non-negotiable trait: they have developed a capacity for discomfort.
How to Handle Dissent and Disagreement in Your Organization
Dissent isn’t comfortable, no matter which end you’re on. But it’s essential. Companies that don’t welcome dissent are in danger of falling headlong into damaging situations that would have been avoidable—if only someone had mustered the courage to speak up.